Annoying sounds from cars at stop light

What causes the stereo in the car next to you at the stop light so loud and annoying with over the top bass and how can the driver stand it?


Showing 3 responses by gdnrbob

then it seems

I think is should be ’than it seems’, sorry I have a thing with English...

Otherwise, I share your observations. I had to listen to a mobile boombox today and it made me think that the occupant must have gone deef. ;)
I went to Cornell, so Strunk and White were mandatory...

Sad to admit, I own a '16 TTS and the B&O soundsystem is one of the most pathetic creations ever built. To think, for a fraction of the cost, I could have a stereo that can reproduce bass notes properly. I am on the cusp of having my auto stereo guy put in something to help it along.
I just bought a Metris and the sheet metal will vibrate with low frequencies.
Truly annoying.
But, it seems to have better bass than my TTS with a B&O system.
Now, that is sad.