Animals 2018 Mix LP - Mistracking?

I was wondering if someone could help me figure out if my needle is mistracking or if it’s just inherent in the recording. I don’t hear this on the HD stream, only on the vinyl. Still, I’m inclined to think it’s an acoustic drum buzz caught on the recording as it doesn’t show up anywhere else in the record with far more intricate bass sections. 

Side 1: Dogs
As after Roger sings the line “fly down south, and hide your head in the sand” there is a small drum fill, during the drum fill I hear a slight rattle in the right channel. 

If anyone can listen for it during their next listen, I’d greatly appreciate it. Vinyl version of the 2018 mix only please.


The stereo SACD layer of the reissued Animals is from the 2018 reissue.  The part of the song you mention has no rattles or other such noises on the song. Oops, just noticed you said vinyl version only.  Oh well, I tried to help.

@drbalance I just listened to that exact part, in the Animals 2018 mix vinyl, and heard no rattling in the right channel after that drum fill. I even listened twice to be sure.  Sounded clear, albeit with some normal resonance from the drums and/or bass.


Great underrated album BTW.

Thank you @gakerty for taking the time to check it out for me. I checked my stylus setup/bias, raised the tracking force and it’s still doing it. It does sound like a drum resonance rattle. I’ll order another copy to check it out to rule out a pressing qc issue but I doubt it.

@drbalance Funny lately I have noticed sporadic mistracking on other albums, for example on some high level sax parts and even occasional IGD on rock records in the past few weeks (even though that part on PF Animals was clean)  I checked the alignment of my cartridge and sure enough it was a bit off!  Either I had initially set it up off center, or it had somehow drifted.  Perhaps I didn't tighten the cart bolts enough.  Who knows.   Not a bad idea to check cartridge alignment periodically I suppose. 

Mike at the In Groove mentioned that Animals has a 40% return for defect rate, higher than any other LP in years. Cheers,
