And we strive for..... what ?

Dear friends,

We buy equipment, audition speakers, change cables, tune rooms, move speakers 2in right, than 1.5in left. We argue, dispute, shout at each other, give help and receive more.

We spend hours, days and more searching for the 'better'.

We praise performers, groups, orchestras - and bury them.

We have one aim : to listen to music as close as the 'original'.

For music heals our wounds, cheers us up, lets us forget day-to day troubles.

Now I find this, re-defining the meaning of 'original' :

I just lost my faith... I must be getting old.

Sorry for the rant.

Showing 1 response by matchstikman

I have seen Santana, Clapton and Stevie Ray hit bad notes and it was just as beautiful to hear them recover from them and make something out of nothing. Granted, these artist are the best in the world and they can turn a blemish into a masterful stroke. Not everyone can. This makes me wonder what is real and what is Memorex.

By the way, do people actually go and see Britney Spears to hear her sing?