Thank you for clarifying the money aspect of the manufacturer / reviewer relationship.
What about the information aspect? Reviewers sometimes appear to be repeating manufacturers' marketing materials or technical claims without too much scrutiny.
Here is a great example:
If this can happen in Stereophile magazine... what is your take on what happened there? A reviewer unschooled in computer science, passing a manufacturer's claims along no matter how misleading / spurious?
Certainly no one expects hifi reviewers to be experts in each of the numerous fields of craft and science involved in the making of hifi gear.
But isn't it fair to expect reviewers to seek the advice of experts when their own expertise is lacking?
Also, isn't copy fact-checked before publication, especially at a respected publication like Stereophile?
Just curious about these things. The appearance of coziness between manufacturers, publications, and reviewers discredits everyone involved and casts doubt on the reviewed products.
Well, you invited comments
What are your thoughts?