Ancient History ADS

Is there a consistent method ADS used to identify the year a particular model or specific speaker was produced? I have been in a futile search to undserstand specification and component differences between the respective ADS 200, L200, 200c, 200e and 200i snd same for 300. There is not a specification matrix or any other resource. I am ready to punt the ball after 6 hours of investigatory futility. 


Not too familiar with the small early ADS 200/300 but did own 8 ohm versions of the Braun L200/L300 in 1978, or so.

The ADS models (late 70's) looked exactly the same.

There were also 4 ohm versions of the Braun L200/L300 (the ones I saw had captive speakers cables, but I'm not certain if such is a given standard).

Per the link Hififan provided one post denotes the ADS "I" models as for car/auto use, so I'm guessing that they are 4 ohm designs.

My Brauns did not state "8 ohms" but just had "8" on the back labels.

I powered them with various PP tube amps and both sounded better on the 8 ohm taps.

I would also run (my car) the L200's off a 12V capable Advent 300 receiver/Nakamichi 250/350 (?) cassette deck when driving down to Mexico or up to San Francisco (didn't leave the setup in my hatchback car when I was home in LA/Hollywood due to possible theft/broken windows.

The L200/L300 were considerably better than Radio Shack "7" look-a-like, but care needed to taken with the woofers in all of them (watch the power and SPL levels).

