I'm not much younger. If you like electronic music, it is recorded at very high levels of dynamics, transients, accuracy, soundscape, 3D, swirling, 20 to 20000Hz Bear with me.
Tron Legacy Sound track. Daft Punk. This symphonic(classical) checks all the boxes
Eric Hilton. He is/was with Theivery Corporation. He has been going through various styles of music. Impossible Silience, infinite everywhere, lost dialect are superb. These are rhythmic, relaxed jazz with Samba influence. Top recording and production. He plays all the instruments.
Soundtracks are a good bet. Qobuz has a playlist of Soundtracks to test your system. Some good stuff there. Qobuz has several such playlists debut albums, Philadelphia sound.
There are lots of good sounding artists and recordings. So I will stop, enjoy