Analog2Fidelity At Munich High End 2024 Introduces Worldwide Koetsu Rebuilding Service

Analog2Fidelity At Munich High End 2024 Introduces Worldwide Koetsu Rebuilding Service


Gardena, CA—May 9, 2024—Analog2Fidelity, LLC proudly announces the launch of a groundbreaking service: the comprehensive rebuild of all Koetsu cartridges ever manufactured. Spearheaded by Arturo A. Manzano, Director of Analog2Fidelity, this initiative marks a significant milestone in the preservation of Koetsu's unparalleled legacy.

With over three decades of high-end audio experience, Arturo A. Manzano has cultivated an extensive network within the industry. Leveraging his deep-rooted connections with the craftsmen behind Koetsu's legendary cartridges, Manzano has made possible the revival of every Koetsu cartridge to its former glory.

"While Koetsu cartridges may no longer be in production, their spirit and essence remain alive through our meticulous rebuilding service," remarked Arturo A. Manzano. "By offering this service, we honor the visionary legacy of Sugano Yoshiaki, founder of Koetsu, and ensure that music lovers can continue to experience the sonic excellence that define Koetsu cartridges."

Renowned for their craftsmanship, Koetsu cartridges have earned a hallowed place in the hearts of audio enthusiasts globally. Now, thanks to Analog2Fidelity's efforts, owners of Koetsu cartridges can rest assured that their cherished pieces will be rejuvenated to their original brilliance.

For more information about Analog2Fidelity, LLC and their Koetsu cartridge rebuilding service, please visit

About Analog2Fidelity, LLC

Analog2Fidelity LLC is a leading provider of high-end audio solutions, dedicated to delivering exceptional sonic experiences to audiophiles worldwide. With a passion for excellence and a commitment to craftsmanship, Analog2Fidelity specializes in the repair and restoration of Koetsu cartridges. For more information, visit


Showing 4 responses by unreceivedogma


I have exchanged emails with him. He says that he is a B2B business.

I frankly don't understand why a middleman needs to be added to what is already an expensive proposition.

Even if VAS only gets you 90% there - for the sake of argument - he's still doing so for fraction of what Art wants to redo my Onyx. As my Rosewood Sig and Onyx have been retipped about 4 and 3 times respectively first by Van den Hul and recently by VAS, I might go to Art once for each to get them back to where they used to be, but otherwise I'm staying with VAS.


I think that I found him on fb. He is of Asian descent, even though his name is Italian? Which might explain why he is connected to Koetsu?

Around the :30 mark of the video, Art says "I brought Koetsu in around 1995. Before then they hadn’t been distributed".

This is not true. I bought a Koetsu Black new in 1985, in New York City. Either from Dave Wasserman at Stereo Exchange or from Andy at Sound by Singer. They had more of them.

That alone makes me wonder about this guy. Is he officially appointed by the Sugano family? Or is everyone and his talking parrot ("I’ll fix your Koetsu! I’ll fix your Koetsu! Arrrk, arrrk!") going to be making this claim?

I would like to see proof of this.

Interestingly, I have been trying to get two little wooden boxes for the two Koetsus that I bought second hand: they came without them. Owing to the sudden death, I imagine that there MUST be a closet full of them somewhere in Japan, yet this guy, the dealer that I bought my Loepard from, and MoFi says there are none! Go figure.