Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?


Showing 4 responses by lalitk

+2, @ghdprentice

If both recordings source from the same master, your components can be the differentiator in maximizing your joy.


If you’re up for it, try a nice tube DAC to bridge the gap between digital and analog systems. While Qutest is nice, I believe you can do much better under $2K. Couple of suggestions, check out DAC’s from MHDT Orchid and Border Patrol.


Doesn’t sound that crazy at all given some of the systems I’ve seen here and elsewhere 🤣

“Good quality digital components serve me exceptionally well”


Likewise, my experience been very similar. Digital or Analog, all it takes is one’s commitment and carefully put together quality components to replicate ‘live’ music from physical media or streaming.

“Why in High End audio do differences of preference and taste have to result in potential conflict? …..Analogue for you, digital for me. Both are splendid options.”

Well said, my sentiments exactly!