Analog vs. digital

I’ve found that on my system the digital side is more finely etched than the analog side. Both sound great in their own way, but records just don’t sound so finely defined.
What is your experience?


Showing 1 response by baylinor

Vinyl vs. CD on my system is a toss up depending on record. Slightly different presentation, both fully satisfying. Streaming a grade below because I do it from android cell phone via wifi on tidal hifi due to lack of computer in house of stereo system. However, still plenty satisfying and a fantastic way to find out what I want to buy on CD or vinyl without throwing money away on crappy records! To think that only 3 months ago I thought I would never stream... I am now certain that a direct ethernet connection to a high tech router would bring it right up to the level of vinyl and CD.  BTW the bluesound node N130 was the catalyst for me vs. the zen which I quickly returned.