Analog upgrade path

The source I’ve been using with my integrated amp is a Technics SL-1500 mk1. Well, I’ve recently decided to step things up and have acquired an ARC linestage, which does not have an onboard phonostage. Now I’m beginning to think that pairing my Technics with my new linestage might not be a well balanced match, quality-wise.

What I’m wondering is, where will my money be best spent? Buying a nice phono stage (been looking at the Black Ice F159 or ARC PH5) and sticking it out with the Technics, or upgrading to a higher end ‘table (been looking at the VPI Scout Prime or maybe LSA T-3) and running it through a budget phonostage. Obviously the optimal solution would be both, but that’s not in my budget currently.

thx for the feedback


Showing 1 response by millercarbon

There's no right or wrong, it all depends on what you want to do and when. You'll hear a lot more improvement from a good phono stage like Herron VTPH2A with your current table than you will ever get from a VPI or anything else with a budget stage. 

But if you would be able to audition phono stages (unlikely) then it could still make sense to do the table first, because then you would have a much better idea what you're comparing. That is the order I did it in, great table/arm/cart then phono stage hunt. But that was back when thought home auditions were essential and was willing to do the work getting a dozen (seriously) different phono stages into my room.  

Nowadays I would just say below $5k there's the Herron, and the Decware, pick one and never look back.  

Either of those are good enough to be end game for a lot of guys.

Don't forget, whatever you get, the difference between whatever it is sitting on some rack vs properly optioned out on a massive shelf with Pods is the difference between a $5k front end that sounds like a $5k front end, and one that sounds like a $25k front end.