Analog recording from DVD recorder?

I've just moved to Denver and I want to make recordings of the killer jazz radio station here. I don't own a dvd recorder, but I'd buy one if I could archive the jazz progrmming of the local station. I've asked the guys at the Circuit City and other big box elecrotnics stores if this would be possible, and they really didn't know. I'd like to be able to record to the dvd player.......then convert it to mp3 and record the mp3 to dvd and have 60 or 70 hours of programming on one dvd disc. I listen to the jazz stations to find out what music to, the mp3 does not have to be audiophile quality.....I just want to use the combined massive storage of dvd and mp3 to archive these radio programs. I used to archive radio shows onto hifi vcr tapes and get 6 hours of recording time...but the tapes got too bulky after a while. Are dvd recorders capable of recording radio shows from a two channel system? I of course have an amp, tuner and a preamp. Any help would be appreciated.
There are combined harddisc/dvd-recorders out there. That means first you record everything on the built-in harddisc, then you can edit it if you want (commercials etc.) and then burn it onto a dvd. I know Yamaha makes one that has had some pretty good reviews, and Pioneer als has some models. Should cost you around 1000$ I think. Maybe you can use one of those.....
I don't need multi channel because I'm only going to be recording FM, this is a good thing. Thanks Jwrobinson, I appreciate your help.
I'm no expert on DVD recorders, having never used one, but you can record from any source so long as it is analog. Of course, it will only be in stereo since there are no multi-channel recorders that I have ever heard of.
