Analog or Digital and why?

Computers don't make very good guitars. Back in the 90's the debate raged with digital people saying one day digital will get so good, records will become obsolete. Well it's 25 years later and, well the digital thing never happened and analog never sounded better. However you got to remorgage your house. And buy records. 

Showing 3 responses by cleeds

I'm 60 so I grew up in the bad old days of vinyl records. No one took care of them or we would use a Discwasher which destroyed more records than it cleaned. Instead of coughing up $10 for a new stylus, guys would tape quarters to their headshells so it wouldn't fly across the record. Or turn up the anti-skate all the way up.(Like that's what it's for.) We didn't know any better.
Wow - you were running with the wrong crowd!
both. if your focus is on listening to music ...
Exactly. I don’t understand why some seem to insist this is an either/or question.
I am into analog bigtime - both LP and tape. But that’s because I grew up in the analog era. If I were starting out today, I’d stick with purely digital. Others might think differently. Good for them! It's still not a black/white, either/or, A vs. D issue.
... the digital thing never happened ...
The "digital thing" has very much happened. It is everywhere.