Analog nirvana- what does it take to get there?

What tonearms are considered the best in the world?????
I just read some threads on arms I have never heard of and am curious as hell!!
I know this depends on what table and cartridge is being used, but the table, cartridge and phono preamp can be listed with the tonearm.
I am only now getting the idea that analog can get much better than what I currently own.
I hope to some day reach the higher levels of analog reproduction.
I own a blackbird and am working my way up to an hr-x with a graham 2.2 with a pass xono possibly.
Is there anything I should be informed about at this point to set me on the right path?
It's hard to say, it really has more to do with matching your cartridge and 'table. I would consider the Schroeder Reference, Wheaton Tri-Planar VII, Graham Phantom and SME V to be amongst the best sold seperately.
If looking for a tonearm already mated with a 'table, you may want to give The Walker Proscenium Gold Signature Turntable a listen.

When I hit the lottery, this will be my hook up. A Teres 360 table and stand with multiple arm/cartridge/phono stage combinations.

Don't forget some other top pivoted arms; the brinkmann 10.5, origin live, bruer, and da vinci audio arms that also play into this league. Then there are the compressed air bearing linear trackers, buts that's a whole nother strata of tweakaholism!
Lots of cash!Keen eye sight. Nerves of steel. 45rpm reissues. Record cleaning machine and lots of gadgets. A willing partner. Patience. An understanding dealer willing to exchange equipment.Good luck!