An SACD question

Just wondered how many music collectors are still purchasing SACD's and how many have given up on SACD in favor of something else.
I still buy a few but am not really on the band wagon as much as I was.

Showing 2 responses by tmsorosk

Good point Mrtennis,, I use Audio Research's latest greatest DAC ( DAC8 ), the sound is not like SACD in many ways but it is very good. I hate to say it's analog like, as those terms get used far to loosely, but the sound is far beyond using the CD player ( Ayre C5exMP ) by itself.
The need to have music on SACD also lessens when I consider the higher cost and that many of the SACD's I own sound no better than there red book counterparts.
Thanks Mr. T. for turning this thread into a, ( tubes are always better than solid state thread ). Personally I've weaved my way away from tubes and all there sonic issues.