An observation about "Modern" classical music.

As I sat in my car, waiting for my wife as usual, I listened to a local classical music station which happened to be playing some "modern" music. I don't like it, being an old fart who likes Mozart and his ilk. But, as I had nothing else to do, I tried to appreciate what I heard. No luck, but I did notice something I have experienced before but never thought about. At the end, there was a dead silence of 3 to 5 seconds before audience applause. This never happens with, for example, Mozart where the final notes never get a chance to decay before the applause and Bravos. Obviously (IMHO) the music was so hard to "follow" that the audience were not sure it was over until nothing happened for a while.

I know that some guys like this music, but haven't you noticed this dead time? How do you explain it?

Showing 3 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

Eldatford,Great post!Though I,also like to dissect my numerous performances of similar music,I have foud that my approach to music is like my approach to food.I love the new experiences,awaiting me if I'm daring.Maybe that's why I have to watch my waistline!Best regards!
Hey,I can understand your point,but when you hear a new song,or melody for the first time,you have to wait a moment at end,to realize it's over.Quite normal IMO!The problem with "classic" classical music(which I love)is that everyone coming down the pike has to take a crack at it.Do I really need every "New" artist recording the same repertoire,over and over again.How many Beetoven Symphonies do I need,recorded by every orchestra in existence?Could you imagine ALL new rock artists starting out recording the Beatles,or Stones,over and over again.

There are some absolutely great(and total fun)new music experiences(some call it Avante Garde).Try the "Bang on A Can" series cd's.Try some of the newer John Zorn stuff(particularly his film series.Rouse/Bazelon/Lou Harrison/George Crumb/Jenny Scheinman/Elliot Carter/Ernst Toch(very approachable)/even some of the later Frank Zappa(Yellow Shark is a good starting point.There is SO much great and fun(demo quality sound,as well)new "classical" music out there,many new artists are incorporating newer types of instruments(electronic and unusual),that what I love to do,and it is FREE,is to go to a Barnes and Noble,source one of the newer Fanfare or American Record guides(even one of the British music mags,like Grammaphone)and go to the "computerized"listening stations.Dial up the desired music,and you can spend hours,having a ball,discovering the wealth of stuff available to us all!!

Best of luck!
I understand the arguments of the people who do not care for modern classicl music.One can never dictate a specific taste towards others.That being said,if you feel you can't warm up to modern stuff,you obviously won't try to give yourself any additional exposure to it.Human nature!Well,sadly for those who can't/won't delve further into the realm,you are really losing out on some fun,and wonderful stuff!Not all modern compositions fall into the "delerious" sounding category.Also,as much as I like Crumb(I also love all early classical forms,but NEED to keep moving on in my quest for new musical experiences),he is not the starting point for someone wanting to add some new exposure to their musical life(though there is nothing wrong with that).Why not begin with some,a bit more recognizable music,like Copland or Stravinsky.Even some Shostokovich.I,actually "think" I got the bug,after seeing the movie "Close Encounters of The Third Kind",and bought the soundtrack.Now,whenever I go to a movie,I make a conscious effort to listen to the soundtrack,though most really suck,and I'm not a soundtrack collector!It's a good way to get some exposure to certain new composers.Bernard Hermann was a fabulous,and accessable composer.Anyone liking the "Twilight Zone" tv series has heard his stuff before.Like I said,if you cut off your exposure based on some bad experiences,you will ultimately lose out!!Best of luck to all!