An Objective Review of the Tekton Double Impact Speakers


Showing 4 responses by roxy54

"Secondly he said that all the Tektons did when turned up  is they got loud..and this is their flagship speaker!L"


What else is a speaker supposed to do when the volume gets turned up?

Interesting story. We all have bad days, but he should have spent a few minutes working it off on a punching bag instead of using you as one. Running any business can be a harrowing experience, but as you said, some of the weight can be shared by hiring help. It seems that he has been selling enough speakers to be able to afford that.

You were probably too nice, but I might have done the same as you. It's intimidating when someone comes at you in that way.


Fagaboutit? I don't think that's the way it's spelled @philbarone . Anyway, I would like to know what Eric is doing with the money from all of the product he has sold if he can't afford to hire help after all of this time. It must be tough for him now though, having gone through the covid period, and now that the time has passed when Tekton was the name on everyone's lips. 

Of course I did. I was just pointing out that you spelled it incorrectly.