An idea that has arrived

There have been several threads over the past couple of years that have wondered about the viability of opening a commercial "home" theater - really dynamite setup with comfy chairs, good food and wine, etc. How much, if at all, would people pay for a first-rate experience like this, would it last, etc.?

I was in London this past week and saw an ad for just such a place. Remarkably, the movies being offered were not all that new - a few were, but there were classics being offered as well. It looked like one movie per night, with the nightly option rotating through about 15 movies. It seems like the cost was 40-50 pounds (approx $75USD) per couple - don't know how much you get in the way of food and drink, but reasonably upscale for a glorified video watching. I'll be curious to see if this catches on or is never heard from again. -Kirk


Showing 1 response by sean

There was a place similar to what you mention where i live. This was appr 4 or 5 years ago though. They converted an old theater to a "dinner & a show" type place. Real "meals" ( not fast food slop ) and drinks served while you view the movie, etc.. It was a neat idea but failed miserably. Sean