An audio rack that really does make a difference.

Looking on spending up to $3000. on a rack for my system. I’m currently using a older Billy bags tri-point with cracked glass shelves. Would like to get a four post stand so it becomes more stable than the three post Billy Bags. Looking for something that will take it to the next level without taking my pocket book along with it. I’ve looked at Solid Tech and Adonis. 
Thanks Mike

Showing 2 responses by jaytor

I bought a SolidTech rack earlier this year. I'm not sure if it really makes THAT much difference to the sound, but it's very sturdy and looks great. I like the hi-tech look and it fits well with my decor.

I also think the Timber Nation racks look great if that's the look you are going for. 
I'm a proponent of putting the rack at the side of the room and keeping the space between the speakers open. The best results I've gotten are from using long(ish) balanced cables to monoblock amps which sit directly behind (or just to the side of) the speakers on low supports with short speaker cables.