Concerning: AMR CD-77 / EMM Labs XDS1 / PLAYBACK Designs MPS-5 Reference.

Have any of you would listen he compares and prefer one of its 3 Digital CD Player if so what is Better musically and also which is better aesthetics and manufacturing the finest components exts drive ...
Thank you let me know if the playback designs is manufactured in the USA? if so by what company manufactured it is name and email address.
Infinitely thank you to all

Thanks Mike,

I would like to know on what musical spectrum such talk is better than her rivals and also what quality of components and manufacturing and completly made in US?.

Thank you again

I would like to know on what musical spectrum such talk is better than her rivals
i answered that with the fourth post in this thread here.

and also what quality of components and manufacturing and completly made in US?
i answered that with the first post in this thread here.

if those posts don't fully answer your question feel free to ask another one. be as specific as you can.
I updated xds1 firmware today to 104-023. The sonic imrovement is quite obvious. However, I was quite upset that the player could not lock into hi-Rez tracks at all. I reinstalled new firmware but still got no luck. Had to revert to old firmware to play hi-Rez tracks. Does any one have a better luck?
Wow, that's not good. I hope emmlabs will quickly release new firmware to fix that bug. Hard to believe, really.


Have you called EMM to ask? They are probably the best place to start. Unfortunately, I don't currently use the digital inputs with anything higher than 48/24 so I can't help.