Concerning: AMR CD-77 / EMM Labs XDS1 / PLAYBACK Designs MPS-5 Reference.

Have any of you would listen he compares and prefer one of its 3 Digital CD Player if so what is Better musically and also which is better aesthetics and manufacturing the finest components exts drive ...
Thank you let me know if the playback designs is manufactured in the USA? if so by what company manufactured it is name and email address.
Infinitely thank you to all

Showing 7 responses by bar81

There is no need for all that. The VH Audio Airsine with Oyaide P-004/C-004 is fantastic with the XDS1 and it is nowhere near the Elrod's price point.

With regard to your earlier point, the issue with the SACD and switching inputs appears to be resolved. And you haven't heard anything yet. The upcoming firmware update (just a few small issues left to iron out) takes the XDS1 to another level; it is subtle but significant if your system is resolving enough (and I thought it was impressive when I bought it back in November).
I am under the impression that this update is a sound quality enhancement (again, it has been described as "subtle" so owners should temper their expectations, but, in my system, the enhancement was significant) and bug fix. I know that, mechanically, the inputs are capable of 24/192 and I understand that this feature will be enabled in the future but I do not have any more information than that. In any case, given the dearth of music available at that quality imo emm should be commended for focusing on the core sound quality of the player and bug fixes prior to adding checklist features that are currently not particularly useful to the great majority of owners.
Okay, good news. Firmware 104_023 for the XDS1 has passed QA and can now be found at the EMM Labs website. This solves the SACD distortion issue with multiple digital input switches, improves digital input locking and includes the "subtle" sound quality enhancement. Unfortunately, the password for firmware files has changed and I have no idea what it is.

Have you called EMM to ask? They are probably the best place to start. Unfortunately, I don't currently use the digital inputs with anything higher than 48/24 so I can't help.
Yes, I have installed the firmware. Btw, what is the set up you are using for 96/24 and above?

I have yet to set up a server or any other kind of digital music delivery device as currently there simply isn't really any hi resolution digital I'm interested in. Hopefully, the selection will improve sooner rather than later and I can justify such a unit (I have the AES/EBU cable just waiting to be used).

Currently, I have my Blu-Ray player feeding PCM 2-channel via coax into the AES/EBU input (almost all Blu-Rays don't have soundtracks beyond 48 khz and 16 or 24 bit depth which is why I haven't tried anything higher).

The wireworld glass toslink is good stuff. I'm using a 5+ for the rest of my entertainment system into the Toslink of my XDS1.

I want you to try something if you can; check your pm.