Amps with meters ...

are just a lot better than amps without meters.


Showing 4 responses by skyscraper

My old Phase Linear 400 amp had VU meters. After some forty years the light went dim, but not out, on the right channel .Thinking the world may be coming to an end, I replaced the Phase 400 with a brand new Luxman L-507uX Mark 2 with two large brightly lit VU meters.

1. An amp without VU meters is hardly an amp at all. It just sits there showing little or no sign of life or activity, unless you want to count the odd LED as something of note.

2. Those who do not like large ostentatious meters with their gyrating meter needles at best may be heartlessly obsessed with musical perfection to their own detriment. There is no fun in a comatose amp.

3. VU meters at best are useless relics from the past, but then again I might be too, so why not enjoy them and yourself, and both our ridiculous displays. 

4. I was thrilled to find out Luxmans had VU meters. The world has not come to an end.

Gregj, perhaps your letter wasn't threatening enough.

Anodyne, you need to enjoy the incomprehensible and enigmatic, not question it. Mr Squires certainly doesn't and look at how many of us have responded to his thread.
