Amps with meters ...

are just a lot better than amps without meters.


Showing 2 responses by roxy54

Thinking about displays, I'm remembering the old Marantz receivers. Myself and two friends each had one , and I never got tired of looking at them in the dark. They were so elegant, and that horizontal tuning wheel felt so luxurious. I felt like I had the best thing in the world...until I bought a Mac.  
Erik, you're always so provocative in a good natured way. As a very long term owner of a Mac 2105, who owned a 2100 before that (the version with no meters) I would have to say that they really don't mean anything to me. I enjoyed the 2100 just as much. I can understand why some people like them though. I just wish that the lighting was defeatable in the older models.