Amps on top?

I have read that an amp should not be on your top shelf, but rather on the bottom 

Is there anything to this?  Assuming a well-isolated system throughout.  


Showing 5 responses by asvjerry

Solved this issue long ago, even tho' a SS kinda guy....

'Puter fans....Quiet, turns on with the amp.  No electrical racket noticed, low power draw.  Use it on the stand-alone units, anything I want to remain cool under pressure.....

For you 'tube types', a means of making use of that heat when winter returns...unless global warming makes that whole issue moot... ;)

(Keeps the dust out, too...*G*)

(( ....that, and the 'current crop' .... "To pun....or not to pun....isn't a question...😏..." even has the ability to give y'all a 'light show' in the comfy Barcalounger of your 'phile foxhole....))

Ludwig w/Lights!  Yow, so 21st Cen.....*L*

@rodman99999 ...mine is 2 slabs of cast-off 1.5" stone of indeterminate nature with a beefy pine frame....takes 2 to move empty...

With the pile on it?  Oh, ferget 'bout it...can't bring the Bobcat in here anymore... ;)

....I need one of those in the bedroom...

(Stop that....nasty boy....) drag my butt out of bed....spouse would 'preciate it.... ;)

Thinkin' 'bout going total class D....50,000 watts of funky....

A planar co. once admitted they piled up a tower of their ribbons in the desert and turned it to 11....

Was heard clearly .5 mi. away.

Bass?  Not likely, but was on the edge of an ordinance test range, so maybe the military filled in for the subs...

The locals would demand my head on a spit for the bbq...but one only fries once...

Good Morning, Starshine!

ok....where went the lights....?

@rodman99999 ....*L*  Well, yeah....we design, build, and install playground structures (beats a 'real' job), so it kinda comes with the turf....

In our case, playground mulch or surfacings....details, details.... ;)

MOF, got a pallet with HDG steel frames and hardware sharing our parking space.

*L* 'Someone's' got to 'do' this sort of thing...."

Once upon a while, I used to 'do' commercial graphics and 'cocktail party' quip when asked 'What do you do?' was....

"I get to tell you where to go...."

That got varied responses.... ;)

(Bay Area, later in buildings, hospitals, garage structures...that sort of thing.  Like doing playgrounds, the kids are more appreciative of being told where and what to play on and with....*G*)

A bedroom 'lift' would help get me out of bed...not so much 'up'....I can still manage That by self, thanks for not asking.... ;) *LOL*

*G* Like the man said @rodman99999 .....

"Never waste an erection..."

...or something addressing or undressing that situation...

If concrete floored, lay some b&m; but mine is a leased space.

The landlord has liked us for nearly a decade, but Bob does have his limits... ;)

I push enough envelopes already, and as is said:

"Know what to kiss...and When." dream, perhaps to sleep, ciao, J