Amps in the same class as Pass XA.5 series

I've read a lot of posts saying that the Pass XA.5 is the best amp the poster has heard. What are some other amps that are in the same league?
Thanks for the replies everyone. There is some diversity of opinion but as usual some strong opinions about Pass XA.5 amps. Class D amps are gaining some supporters too.

Is there something fundamentally different about class A amps or can a class A/B amp provide that warm, effortless musicality?
My Edge is A/B, so I'd have to say done right you can have your cake and not melt your ice cream too.
I would love to see comparisons of the XA.5 series versus the Gryphon Antileon Signature or the Colosseum. Maybe it'll have to be up to me to do that since I don't see many Gryphon owners here.
Everyone is listing SS amps. I have owned a couple of Pass amps and really enjoyed them but I am now driving my speakers with a really good tube amp and would have a hard time going back to SS. If you are open to tube amps there are numerous choices that will qualify for best of category.