amps for dunlavy sc4

I would be interested to hear from owners of Dunlavy SCIV and what amps they use and their impressions. I just purchased a pair and now want to replace the Adcom 545. Thanks, Ben.
I've always felt that, while solid state will give you the better bass control in Dunlavy speakers, and there are some who like the Aloia amp with them, they really seem to come alive with tubed amplification. The best sound I've heard from the 4s and 4As has been with VTL and VAC amplification; the VTL did a better job in the bass, the VAC sounded terrific in the midrange. I think Mejames' suggestion is a good one; they also work well with the VTL 150 monoblocs and stereo amp.
I like Pass Aleph O monoblocks with a Pass P preamp all running on balanced interconnects. The Pass O delivers 150 WPC into 4 Ohms (my SC-4s). I use the Dunlavy speaker cable but am up in the air regarding its quality.
I've used Aloia, Rowland, Levinson, Pass in solid state, Kora, Air Tight, Cary in tubes and three different models of Plinius. The Plinius is a fantastic match with the Dunlavy III's, IV and IVa's.
Incidentally, J-D is also running a review of these speakers!
Other amps I liked with the IVa (but head J-D's advice) are the following:
YBA Passion stereo (ss)
Symphonic Line Kraft 250 (ss)
Jadis defy (tube)
(In no order of preference).
Note, I never lived with the IVa's -- just auditioned them at a friend's house.