Amps for B&W 805 Diamond: Rogue Audio or Krell, Pass labs, ML, Accuphase

I had 2 choices for my B&W 805 D2 speakers: 

- Rogue Audio Medusa

- Krell KSA 100s

Also I was advised for Pass Labs X150, ML 252, Accuphase 530. Could you help to advise which one will be best suited for the speakers. Thx so much.


Showing 2 responses by jafant



Audition several Accuphase models as possible.

Stay in the 50 Series, 550 or 650. Believe me a Joyful song will be appreciated and enjoyed.  Keep me posted on your demo sessions.


Happy Listening!



The Accuphase would make a very nice match. Good advice above as well.


Happy Listening!