Amplifiers from the big [expensive] brands in Japan?

Hi all,

I’m a new member on audiogon!

My question is regarding amplifiers. But first, a bit of backstory so you guys have an understanding of my current audiophile situation.

I have owned vintage gear from brands like Technics, Pioneer, Sony, AKAI, etc. I’m talking about amplifiers, CD players, etc. and they all sounded pretty good.

Currently I have a pair of headphones and a dongle for my Android smartphone. Looking to build a system one day. Got to save up money for it.


I’m looking into the following brands as the ultimate end game.

Accuphase, Esoteric, TEAC (higher-end line up), and Luxman.


There is an audio store pretty close to where I live and they carry some of these brands. The owner said that she could set up an audition for me with different speakers - and I even get to use my headphones on the 6.3mm out of the integrated amplifiers.


My question is - are these very expensive audio components able to bring you closer to the original sound? is that the reason for their high prices?


For any owners of audio gear from these brands, please tell me your impressions about sound quality, build, parts, etc. Since they are all high-end brands, is the sound quality similar or very different between them? For example, is there a "signature" sound that only an Accuphase can have?


I’m here to learn and I appreciate all the help I can get.


My best,



Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

OP… judging by your ideal sound… that sounds like Luxman. The words you are using are good, because words like highly detailed and crystal clear can lead to ear bleeding, fatiguing systems. Think tubed components they are incredibly musical, in general, detailed sounding very much like the real thing. Other companies to consider: Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, VAC. But Luxman sounds right. 

Accuphase, Luxman, and Esoteric are all very highly respected and excellent sounding equipment.


I have passionately pursued high end sound for over fifty years… starting right out of college. There is no end to improvements across the board to million dollar systems. I would suggest that you make a habit of spending some time in the best room each high end audio place you go. Not because you are going to buy, but to appreciate how good it can be… and also helpful to calibrate your ears to good sound.


There are many different “kinds of sound” you can pursue… airy 3-dimensional soundstage with incredible detail, heavy bass and midrange Rock systems, and natural musical systems, etc… and all combinations in between.


One common observation is you can experience a system and think… this just couldn’t be better…. Walk into another room and just be blown away with how much better the system sounds. So, you don’t know what you don’t know. A good dealer can guide you… help match the system to your current tastes. They are likely to change over time.