Amplifier Recommendation for Spendor D9.2 Speakers

Currently driving them with a McIntosh MC275 VI and wondering especially if solid state might do a better job.  Can anyone share their satisfying amplifier experiences with Spendor D9.2's?  What works best for you and why?  I listen to a wide variety of music so hard to pinpoint where I'd like to concentrate in that regard.  Open to mono and stereo amps up to $12K total, and open to pre-owned.  


Showing 1 response by drrsutliff

Previously owned the Spendor D9 speakers.  Started with a Ayre VX-5/20 power amp (SS 175 watts/channel) with a VAC tube preamp and then a Gryphon Diablo 300.   I have also listened to them with a DSA 100 watt pure class A amp.  They preform well will solid state and performed well with all the amps over 100 watts.  The speakers can be very precise in the tweeter section and tubes might smooth that a little, but the mids and bass do like some power for their best performance.