Amplifier Pairing with Coherent 15s

Hello all,

About to finalize an order for a pair of Coherent 15s (yay!) and now I'm starting to look at possibilities for amplification for them. Since they are very efficient (I believe 106db efficiency), they can work well with flea amps+, so there's a wide range of possibilities.

I have a few criteria though: I would prefer an integrated amplifier vs separates/mono blocks, both for cost and space reasons, so something like AirTight is out (plus, a bit too expensive anyway). Looking around the $10k range at the higher end.

I don't listen to things super loud, and tend to prefer tube amplification. Music tends to lean majority Jazz, with some other things throw in here and there, but Jazz is the most important genre to get right.

Frank (from Coherent) recommended a couple -

Tektron Two 2A3/50S-i
Mastersound Compact 300B

Some others I've looked into:

Tektron Two 211-i
LTA ZOTL Ultralinear Integrated

I do have a few concerns with hand-crafted, more 'custom' made amps, especially by manufacturers overseas (I'm in the US) - mainly inability to demo them and ease of service/warranty. They also tend to be more difficult to sell in the case of deciding to go a different route, though this is of a lesser concern.

Anyone have any experience with any of these, have any other suggestions to explore, or any other comments?



@mmcgill829 No worries. Have fun. I have owned several (many?) SET amps and while I appreciate their simplicity and beauty they just didn't do it for me, sound wise. Personally, I find 23a and 45 tubes too "polite" for my taste. 300bs are better but I heard phenomenal midrange but fall off in the upper and lower ranges. Not one 300b amp but several, over the years. Again, that's just me. YMMV.

My favorite pairing with my Coherent 8s and Omega single drivers was the vintage McIntosh MC225 amp, a 2-stage PP design. That amp drove my HE speakers closest to full-range. My second choice would have to be the lowly Decware Zen Triode amp, preferably the mono version. To my ears these amps bested any classic SET or DHT amp I tried. But whatever sounds best to you is best.