amplifier longevity

Is there any difference in longevity and or reliability between valve amps and solid state amps?

I thought that perhaps design differences between ss and tube amps  might  be a factor here.

Specifically I am considering the valve amps by Rogue Audio vs. the solid state amps by Luxman, both great brands in my opinion.




Showing 1 response by buellrider97

      Here’s my 2 cents , based on my experience.   First heat is the enemy, all amplifiers need proper ventilation. I’ve added fans to setups that generate high heat. Tubes are a wear item , especially power tubes and degrade over time. So you WILL be replacing tubes over time. I’ve had a tube failure that caused the glass envelope to crack, but no additional damage. I’ve had a new power tube fail that resulted in internal damage and required Dennis Had to rebuild the power supply section. I also own Rogue and have seen LCD screens fail and circuit boards fail. Also consider some tube amps are point to point and some use printed circuits. Overall SS is more reliable and significantly less effort to maintain.  However I personally enjoy the TUBE sound and I’m willing to deal with the maintenance issues. In my opinion comparing tube to SS, but s like comparing Ducati to Yamaha. I believe that audio, like motorcycles is most appreciated when we experience as many different styles as possible. And FWIW I just sold my Buell and my HD due to age. Happy Listening, Mike B.