Amp upgrade for Polk LSIM707

Hey there, I'm new here so forgive my missing context and/or incorrect verbiage in my post or otherwise.

I recently changed around my stereo a bit and I'm contemplating a new amp purchase. For the last few years I have been running a Polk SRT system with carver amps, and I was ready for a change. I ended up getting Polk LSIM707 speakers. Currently they are being powered via a Carver m1.0T through a Sunfire TGIV processor(which I have been considering upgrading to something with an HDMI input, But that's a different story). Sources are either audio technics turntable or Blu-ray player, and some streaming.  The listening room is long and narrow, about 14 ft across by 30 ft long with a slanted ceiling going the narrow direction. Listening position is about dead center in the room.  Also in the mix is a velodyne SPL 1200 series 2 subwoofer, soon to be replaced by an SVS SB2000 (this is also my theater room, but the home theater components are not relevant to this particular question I don't)

While listening to the new speakers, I felt that the amp could use a little more clarity I guess it would be. Felt like it was kind of falling short on some of the tightness of the highs and felt it could be a Little bit tighter down low as well. I have long appreciated carver amps, and actually have a TFM22 and another m1.0T, as well as a halfler DH200 and a few others, however I think it's time for me to take the next step. I have also owned a few crowns and a Bryston 4B which I found to be far too bright/sharp to the point of strained listening.  Generally I do like a warmer sound with well pronounced vocals and good separation between instrumental and vocals when they do clash in similar frequencies.

I'm hoping that I can find something in the $1,000 to $1,500 area, possibly could go higher but really hoping to stay in that budget. I was looking at some Parasounds and some Krells. I realized as I was looking, that it's been many years since I've gone amplifier shopping and I'm a bit rusty. so I figured I would hop on here since I've lurked for years and there seems to be good discussion and recommendations, to see what people thought or could recommend.

Thank you very much in advance, I appreciate any input!
