Amp upgrade / Did Classe go out of business

I am upgrading my Parasound  A52 power amp. I am considering the Classe CA5100 and the McIntosh MC 7505  Any thoughts or recomendations.  I also heard that Classe is going out of business ?  Is this true ?

Thanks for your recomendations
Nothing wrong withthe Parasound A 52 just wanted to improve my 2 channel use and upgrade my 5 ch home theater.  the A52 is for sale if you ere interested not a scratch on it. 9 out 10 only for age. $1175 spl. You put 50 towards shipping I bought a McIntosh amp
Its working out just fine I am waiting for a preamp. Replaced  my Marantz 7701 with a Rotel 1582. It is HDCP 2.2 compatible where the 7701 is not.My Wilson Audio's are happy  The upgrade fever is over for awhile
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Regarding the question of Classe's demise, rumors of Classe's death were premature.  Yeah!

"On the eve of CES 2018, Sound United today announced that it has acquired Classé Audio, the Canadian maker of high-performance AV components."é-audio