Amp suggestionsfor Wilson Watt Puppies/Sophia

A friend of mine is contemplating a pair of Watt Puppies or Sophia's and was wondering what amps may partner well with these models. He listening room is large and he listens primarilty to Jazz at moderate levels.

Many thanks,


Showing 1 response by rugyboogie

I have used many different amps with my Watt Puppies.
The amps that I have used are C J Premier 11, ML 33h, ML 33 , BAT VK 6200 and the ASR. The 33s and the ASR are what I use now for everyday listening.
I am presently looking for the Lamm ML 2.1 just to change things up with my new Maxx IIs.
So in a nut shell it really depends what flavor that you are after.
Good luck,