Amp Suggestions for B&W 801 Series 2 Speakers

We have a fabulous pair B&W 801 Series 3 speakers that used to be in our HT but now are used for stereo only. We are currently using a Yamaha DSP-1 Receiver and Monster M2 bi-wire cables, but I want to upgrade to either an integrated amp or component amp/pre-amp to see what these 801s can really do. That said, I need to do this for less than $4,000. A local dealer has a used McIntosh 6900 intergrated amp. Another suggested new separate Rotel Pre-Amp & Amp (minimum 200 watts/8 ohm channel). Any suggestions on power requirements, separate or integrated, manufactures and finally, new or used?
LMB54:I have not heard this combo. I have been through many of the discussion forums here on the Audiogon. Many of the posts suggest Mark Levinson amp would be a good match for the B&W speakers. It seemed to me however more folks were in agreement that the Classe amps were the best match. Only your ears can can answer this question as personal preference takes precedence. I suggest you try going to Discussions and type in B&W where you can first hand which is preferred. You can even review pictures w/equipment lists of each person's system. I love my Classe CAM 350's.
These are all really helpful comments. I was at my local stereo dealer today and overheard a customer and a salesman talking about how good a Mark Levinson 23.5 was for B&W speakers. Commnents?
Great amps for the 801's would be the Bryston 14bsst or...two 7bsst monos. I use the Bryston 14bsst for my B&W diamonds with wonderful results. For what its worth, the 14bsst was a stereophile class A pick a year ago and in HI-FI magazine was one of their top picks also. It is clean, powerful and, in my opinion, has no real sonic signiture, thus it produces what is sent to it...send it a gem and it gives you the same gem back. Good luck
Classe Cam 350 monoblocks will make your speakers sing. I have tried less powerfull amps with no success.
Great combo for me was Threshold amp ( s/300 sereies 2 )with Sp11 Audio Research pre-amp .Great combo ! Plenty of power and very musical ,with just the right amount of warmth.Tremendous bass slam.Great combo...Classe amp would do the same.. Any older Audio Rsearch pre would work great also -sp6 -sp8 sp10 or 11...This is all used stuff,where I feel are the best bang for the buck! You could also of coarse buy new,but in my mind get less for your money..
I have the opportunity to have my 801 connected to David berning's 250W OTL newly built tube amplifier. When we heard Mahler's second symphony over the set up with a so-so sonic frontier preamplifier and my Sony C-555 CD player, the result was so stunning that I am looking for a more powerful power amplifier now. Keep your 801 and keep looking for a good powerful amplifier
I'd go with a Rotel RB 991 or RB 1080 but a better preamp than the Rotel. Maybe a Classe or Musical Fidelity. There's plenty to choose from.