Amp Suggestion for Harbeth C7es3

Any suggestions for budget amps that work with C7s?
I'm sending my Joule Stargates in for a service next month and will need a replacement amp while they're away. I need to spend under $1000. Maybe one of the Pass Alephs? Or budget low power tubes? I'm using only 18wpc now. I don't listen very loud and it's mostly jazz and folk.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by chayro

Buy an Onkyo 9050 from Amazon for $350. I was using it's predecessor with Monitor 30s while waiting for my "good" amp to be delivered and it was pretty damn good. If you can't reconcile that one, try a Bada DC222 (or whatever it is right now) from Pacific Valve. About a grand or so and it is one of the best amps I've heard anywhere near this price range.