Amp straight into the wall

I’ve seen more than a few members recomend going straight into the power oulet and not using power conditioners for power amps. I was hoping someone would explain the rationale behind me. I have been meaning to try that for awhile now, power conditioner is a Torus 15 , thx in advance for your input. 


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

That is simple: it makes a very positive improvement in the sound. Then, next step, put in a direct line to the outlet you have your amp plugged in to (and of course to the outlet your power conditioner is plugged into as well).


The theory is that almost all power conditioners restrict the current in some way. Even most that claim they don’t. Sounds plausible to me. I don’t care if the theory is correct, the effect has been real… it has been true every time I tried it.


Audio Quest power cord. Worth saving up for. Well, it was in my system. Nothing is 100%  guaranteed in every system. 





Really glad to hear it. It is great when something works to improve your sound.