Amp Stands - Wood or Stone

I'm in the process of relocating my audio equipment to a side wall and need to place my amps, AGD Audions, on something.  Floor is carpeted.  Stands will be very small and won't be supporting much weight.  I have access to granite, marble, etc. (next to nothing scape from remodel jobs).  Also, have pretty good relationship with a serious wood worker who is happy to cut maple, oak, cherry, most any hardwood, etc.  Cost is not really an issue just looking for an opinion / logic around which material I should use.  At this point, I'm thinking 1 1/2 to 2 inch thick walnut on some kind of cone / spike legs. Sorry for maybe a dumb question!


Showing 3 responses by mijostyn

@noromance Yet there are limits, whether one likes it or not. Challenge those limits at your own risk. As far as humans are concerned we are way more alike than different. We have yet to see a human with three ears and hearing much beyond 20 kHz is impossible for use, but not for some other critters. Humans can not see with their ears, but bats and whales can. 

@dmk_calgary What you are trying to do is make a constrained layer construction to minimize resonance. It might work great for a turntable plinth put it will do bupkis for anything else.

Many of you have subwoofers with amplifiers installed within. Sealed subwoofers have extreme increases in internal pressure with loud bass below 100 Hz, yet the amps seem to do just fine. An amp out in the room is subject to a lot less. 

@noromance Many people, good listeners with excellent systems, are subject to that phenomenon. What you see and how you interpret it affects your interpretation of what you are hearing. We are all subject to this at some level. @kidbuck is right. In a formal AB comparison none of us would be able to reliably identify the subjects. The best way to evaluate a system's imaging capability is by relaxing in the listening position and closing one's eyes.

Kidbuck, I can't count the number of people I have pissed off and, "I Don't Care." I want to see everyone have a great system. Good equipment is not cheap and wasting money on things that in no way improve sound or function prevents one from getting that better amp or cartridge, things that do make a difference. You can't place an amp directly on carpet, so an amp platform does improve function, but implying that an amp platform improves sound quality means the individual has no understanding of psychoacoustics. Some audiophiles are bullying and rude. Keep doing your thing anyway. 

@testrun The only reason you need amp stands is to get the amps up off the carpet so that they ventilate correctly. I made a set just recently and used 8/4 walnut on spikes. You have to finish the wood which is more expensive than the wood. Stone is more difficult to mount spikes on, but does not need a finish. 

As far as sound quality goes it makes absolutely no difference. If it looks better to you it will sound better. So, by all means, pick what looks good to you.