Amp Speaker Pairing

My amplifier is the Pass Labs XA 60.8 monoblocks.  These output up to 60 wpc in class A and from 60 to 130 wpc class A/B.  The room I use is a generous size 19’ wide, 32’ long with 9’ ceiling.  Looking at the WilsonYvette speaker, the website recommends a minimum amplifier power requirement of 50 wpc.  So my amplifier falls within the minimum qualified amplifier power qualification.  I am seeking input on the sufficiency of my current amplifier to drive the Yvettes “comfortably” (headroom, dynamic swings) in a generous size room.  Mainly listening to rock/soft rock/blues. 

Showing 1 response by cakids

The Pass Labs amps will drive virtually any speaker. However, they will sound best on more efficient speakers because the amps will operate in class A over a wider dynamic range. I have the XA 60.5s and love them.