Amp recommendations to drive Martin Logan Prodigy?

I need some input here please. I want to upgrade my Bel Canto 200.2 Evo amps. They are great amps but with the system I have right now: Audiomeca Mephisto II cdp, Wytech tube pre-amp and the ML Prodigy, they seem to have become the weak link.
I am a fan of Atmasphere amps, but since my speakers are low impedance 4 Ohm, this is not the amp to go for. (If I had the funds I would upgrade to the top Soundlab electrostats, which are 8 Ohm. They would be a perfect match for the Atmasphere amps. Well, maybe one day)
But back to my original question: I would love some monoblocks with my power hungry ML Prodigy, so one amp I looked at is the Electrocompaniet Nemo. The Mark Levinson 33 is a nice amps also, but above my budget.
Any other amp ideas to get the most out of my speakers?
Try a BAT VK-500, though not a monoblock per se but a dual mono-meaning one chassis with two seperate everythings inside(including power cords). I have a friend who has ML with a VK-200 and swears by it, he uses the moniker Pcc here and will most likely share his expierences with you.
Krell is a perfect match for Martin Logans. I've tried many and cannot find one that will outdo the Krell/Martin Logan setup.
I recently heard the MLs with a McIntosh MC 602. The system used several different CD players (BAT, Mark L separates, and Meridian) both thru a BAT 50SE and straight in. It was one of the most musical demos I had heard at this dealers. The amp trounced the Mark Lev and a Spectral that was there. We were also supposed to listen to the 2102 but some fool who had borrowed it spilled a beverage on it an lunced give these latest generation McIntosh amps a listen.
tekunda you have one hell of a speaker so you need one hell of an amp. KRELL is ok for power but nothing special i have heard good things about bat the 2 you mentioned are above $10000 new so thats out of the question. you can look at my post martin logan cls11z + which amp in speaker forum there GASMAN has recommended a line called INNERSOUND if you go to the web page kilowattmono's $7000 1000!! watts into 8 and 2000!!!!watts into 4 or their $3000!! monoblock 800 into 8 1200 into 4 and their amp 300 watts into 8 600 into 4 $3000. this may be a good match for the bat's (lower price) one other line NOBODY talks about, PATHOS from an engineer in italy. i am awaiting their new CLASSIC ONE to be released next month (more power than previous) ($2000 hybred) as well they have a BEAUTIFUL (if they sound half as good as they look a winner) MONO TT $5000 AND $5500 as well they are to come out with a another TT that one can use for rock music thats how delicate their line is these units wattage is pure solid power. my dream setup is ELECTROSTATE SPEAKER (MARTIN LOGAN OR INNERSOUND OR SOUND LABS + PATHOS MONO BLOCK OR HYBRED TT + GRANITE 657 tube CDP goodluck and let me know what you choose.