Amp recommendations

Looking for some advice. My 25 year old amp has given up the ghost and I haven’t kept up with what’s good out there. Instead of sinking money in my existing amp, I’m thinking of replacing it. The amp that went bad is a Cary Audio CAD 300B (none of the tubes are working, one of the rectifiers flashes when turned on, I checked the tube fuses). The preamp is a Cary Audio SLP-70 (I recently had it checked out and retubed it). The speakers are Chapman T-7. I also have a Creek CD-60 and Project 1.2 turntable. Music Meter inter connects. My budget is around $4000 for a new amp. Is this a reasonable budget? What amp recommendations do you have? I’d prefer to stay with vacuum tube but if there are solid state amps that you’d recommend, please do so. I can provide specs on the components if needed. Thanks for your advice.

Showing 2 responses by jjss49


if you are seriously considering new speakers to replace your chapmans, and use the 300b amp to drive i would suggest the following:

spatial audio (some models in the 93-94 db range w >8 ohm impedance - just stay away from their 4 ohm models)

omega line

higher klipsch’s as you have identified, and their brit relatives - tannoys

audio notes, quite expensive, but considered to be absolutely wonderful

it is difficult to do so presently, but i feel that with very high efficiency speakers, proper audition is very important as the sound signatures can be very distinct...

is your amp bad or are the tubes just needing replacement?

3 easy makes a good point... that amp w 4x 300b’s aren’t really suited to drive your speakers without undue strain... prob contributed to early tube burnout

so you shd probably get a more powerful amp, but your old one may well be able to be rehabbed for resale