amp recommendation for Evoke 20s

my amp is dying - used to work great for my Evoke 20s. (I know it's a modest speaker for many of you, you spend more on cables, but they are my dream speakers)

I am looking for a new (or used) integrated, simple amp with phono output under a $1000. 

I think it needs at least 50Watts per channel.

New or used?

What brand/model?

I would like to retain that warm, bright sound, 


Not personally familiar but they have garnered great reviews. For 50% over budget you get a decent DAC (you have not mentioned need) and MM phono only.

The Puffin perfectly matches anything but strain guage.

Good luck Usually the only way to know the best for your needs is to audition in your room.

Topping PA5 and a Parks Puffin come in under $1K.

Gives you two inputs one for the phono and one for a DAC.

@twhitezzz thank you, as I see it's way out of my price range, I see your point and I wouldn't mind buying used . I don't know anything about tube amps, do they need regular replacement? I would prefer something simple.

I have evoke 50s with a Prima Luna 400 integrated.  I bought it new at a local dealer for well under the retail prices you see on the internet.

I consider myself a realist audiophile.  I have heard some very expensive systems in perfectly set up listening rooms.  My PL400 and Evoke50s would be laughed at by many here -- but I have many moments of being completely mesmerized by it.

I think an PL300 would be $2k if you look around and maybe below that if you can wait and find the right used deal that gets you much closer to $1k

My advice is search the classifieds, know the prices, and you will be surprised at how you can find other true enthusiasts willing to pass their gear along at a very fair price to someone who actually cares.  Don't think to hard about it - you can always sell it and try something different.