Amp question for Maggies

I currently have an Audio Research D130 amp, was wondering has anyone tried or compared my current amp against Wyred 4 Sound amps, I was leaning towards trying the sx1000, or sti1000 amps. I know they are more powerful but would my Maggie 1.6qrs benefit from more power than I have or would it be a waste of time/money. I am a little curious as to sound quality be equal.


Showing 1 response by pkrbkr999

thanks for the info, that is way more depth than I can comprehend, I think my ARC does a good job of getting fairly high spl(I have not measured) but I believe the ARC may run a little shy on power if pushed hard, I am worried about switching at realistic listening levels the ARC sounds very good, I am more worried about what type of change in sound would incur if any if I switched. Thanks for the indepth info.