Amp question for Maggies

I currently have an Audio Research D130 amp, was wondering has anyone tried or compared my current amp against Wyred 4 Sound amps, I was leaning towards trying the sx1000, or sti1000 amps. I know they are more powerful but would my Maggie 1.6qrs benefit from more power than I have or would it be a waste of time/money. I am a little curious as to sound quality be equal.


Showing 1 response by mofimadness

IMHO, your ARC D130 has plenty of power for the Maggies. The Wyred4Sound amps are class D, so they are going to sound really different.

The only real way to be sure, is to try one and see if you like it. I'm sure you could get a 30 day or so trial period on one.