Amp/Preamp Recommendations

Hi all, I’d appreciate your opinions and ideas as I try to choose my next (maybe forever) integrated amp or amp/preamp combo. About a year and a half ago I fell in love with the tube sound and bought a used Jolida SJ-302a integrated amp – I believe it’s rated at 50 wpc rms. While I love the sound, I want to upgrade for several reasons – its overall age (made in the mid 90s); lack of a remote control (getting a little lazy, I guess), but most of all, I sensed that I needed more power for certain types of music. Probably 75% of my listening is jazz, including a lot of jazz vocalists, but I also listen to all kinds of classical and some R&B and pop. The Jolida seems to work great for the softer things like intimate jazz and chamber music, but when it comes to opera, large orchestral or choral/orchestral works, and cranking Earth, Wind, & Fire and the like, it lacks authority and feels like it’s “working too hard.”

I have an overall plan over the next few years to upgrade my turntable, phono stage, and amplification, but plan to start with the latter.

I have a great local retail shop I frequent, and the owner recently let me borrow a used Rogue Audio Stereo 90 and 99 Magnum amp/preamp combo to audition at home for a few days. They both had upgraded tubes and the integrated tube phono stage was a nice bonus because I’d be meeting two of my upgrade goals in one move. I’m not afraid of buying used, and of course, that was another benefit, since the pair was a lot less expensive than new gear with similar specs.

As much as I wanted to love this equipment, I didn’t. I was reminded of a recent excellent post by @mahgister who pointed out that we love certain performers and composers, but only admire others. I admired this amp and preamp, but didn’t love the overall sound. I did love the power – I felt like my Chapman speakers were saying, “Finally, you’re feeding us some real meat!” Pop and R&B came alive, and an opera passage that had sounded anemic with my Jolida a few days ago was easily at true performance volume level. In addition, I loved the increased clarity – I noticed tiny things in familiar songs that I hadn’t noticed before. Bass notes came through with real authority, and my family members in other parts of the house said it sounded like someone was playing a live drum set in my listening room. All that being said, I didn’t love what the amp did for a lot of the other music I listened to. It seemed to me that the midrange was scooped out. I would increase the volume and by the time the vocals, strings, or mid-range wind instruments were at the volume I wanted, the bass and treble were too loud. I will be the first to admit that it may be that the sound I was getting was more accurate than what I’m used to, and I just had a preference for the familiar, but I found this amp/preamp combo to be fatiguing. Maybe my ears want more of the “midrange bloom” I’ve heard people write about – all I know is that I couldn’t really relax while listening – I repeatedly found myself with clenched facial muscles and was constantly changing the volume, trying to find the sweet spot. Anyway, I hope this little story gives you a decent idea of what I’m looking for in a new amp/preamp. I have a slight preference for an integrated unit rather than separates (just easier to fit in my space), and I would love to own something made in America, but neither of these are deal breakers. My budget is around $4500, used or new, but would be very happy to spend less. Here’s my current system:    

Jolida SJ-302a integrated amp

Chapman T7 speakers

Pro-ject Debut Carbon turntable with Ortofon MC3 turbo cartridge

Bellari VP 530 phono stage

Theta Digital Compli universal player/transport

Audioquest type 6 hyperlitz speaker cables

DH Labs silver sonic Phantom RCA interconnects

Thanks for any suggestions. I’m fortunate to be in a metro area with several great audio shops where I can hear gear, but am also open to boutique manufacturers that may only sell direct.

I would highly recommend  PS Audio  BHK  preamp and  BHK 250 (or 300 mono blocks)   they are amazing sound stage,  both hybird. 
Check out the new Rogue Dragon review in, I either Stereophile, or Absolute Sound


it finally looks like the much anticipated LSA Voyager (GaN amp) will be available within 60 days

Good Morning, gardner501:
Something to try which may work out or not (and it may or may not be something you'd be inclined to check out).

I have a SJ-502A which is very similar to your SJ-302A. Prior to my replacing a majority of the parts including the coupling caps with Obbligato Golds (4 in total), replacing the bias pots, and minor mods, I had contacted Jolida USA to inquire as to whether it was possible to use KT120 tubes. Their response at the time was - yes/possible.
Why not contact them to see if the SJ-302A's transformers and biasing have the ability to utilize the KT88s, 6550s, KT90s, or KT120s? It doesn't hurt/cost much to ask.
Note: I realize it may only result in a bit more wattage but it may open up the operatic/choral/orchestral aspects of your amp/system.
Also, I've tried a Rogue Sphinx Mk 11 which is obviously not the same as the Rogue 99 & 90 Magnum combo but I found the Sphinx (being a hybrid, tube pre and Class D power) similar to your remarks aside from the bass aspect. The Sphinx was a bit too neutral for my tastes any wasn't a huge step up/upgrade to what I already had so I ended up selling it. (Mind you, the remote was a nice feature to have but not a deal breaker.)

Thanks for the suggestions - I appreciate them all, and keep 'em coming! I'm intrigued by the idea of a hybrid amp, and am just now learning about GaN technology. I'd still love some more all-tube recommendations. My guess is if I want the same kind of power I heard in the 60 pound, 90 watt Rogue, that I'll need to be looking in the used market in my budget ($4500 or less).
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