Amp/Preamp comparisons - Plinius vs Herron, Audible Illusions vs Allnic vs Herron

Any thought on Plinius SA102 (upgraded) vs Herron M1A?
And  Audible Illusions M3B vs Allnic L3000 vs Herron VTSP-3A?
I have SA102 and M3B. I like them. M3B is a huge improvement over my Plinius M16P. It also is noticeably better than PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium preamp on my system.
I wonder whether I can further improve the sound with the other amp/preamp.
They are all old models, 5 ~ 10 years old.
I have a budget of 3~4K and used M1A, L3000, and VTSP-3A fit my budget.
If I am to pick one, which do you think would be the best bang for the buck?
I am leaning to L3000. I also have Allnic H1202 and I like it very much.


Showing 1 response by ryder

I have owned the Plinius SA100 mk3. The M16 pre is the weak link. I did try several preamps with the SA100 mk3 and although they sounded more transparent than the M16, the overall sound was still excessively warm and thick with a lack in clarity, air and extension in the treble. The bass was full and punchy but lacks some definition and detail. Perhaps the SA102 is an improved version of the SA100 mk3 which resolves all the shortcomings of the latter.

In summary, look at a different preamp for the SA103 if you intend to retain the power amp. As I do not have experience with the gear concerned, i hope others who have experience will chime in. Or you could pick a completely different path by getting something else which suits your loudspeakers and listening preference.

Good luck.