amp -preamp combination question.

Can anyone explain to me what is the different between a SS amp/tube pre-amp combo Vs Tube amp/SS pre-amp combo?.I am planning to buy a krell pre-amp to match(cosmetic) with my cd player,but dont want to get rid of my 300B tube amplifier.

Showing 1 response by atmasphere

Loosing the resolution that a good tube preamp offers over almost any solid state is an unacceptable compromise for me. 25 years ago I ran solid state with a tube amplifier. It kinda helped with the tube amps I ran back then (to give a kind of fake improvement in detail by brightening things up a tad) but with the much higher resolution tube amps available now days the faults of even really good transistor preamps become rather obvious.

Once you've lost that resolution from the front end of the system, there's no way to get it back later!