Amp Options - Infinity Kappa 9s

Hi All,

I recently made my first foray into some upgraded speakers and settled on the Infinity Kappa 9s. Being a novice to the HiFi game still, I didn’t have a full appreciation for just how hard these things seem to be to find an amp/s for!

I’ve spoken to a few people and been given different paths. I’m just hoping to get some advice on a few different options. Any input would be much appreciated as I start to build my knowledge. The 3 amp options I’ve been presented are below. Would any of these run well in either/both of the Normal/Extended modes for the K9s?




Mcintosh MC352

Pair of Xindak XA8800MNE (200W, Class A Monoblocks)

From what I can find, these are only rated down to 4Ohms but he had them driving Infinity RS4.5s which seem to have similar issues to the K9s.

Pair of Emotiva XPA-1 (Monoblocks)



Showing 1 response by jjss49

older strong class ab solid state amps by top makers should definitely be considered, as mentioned (newer ones too, of course)...

look at other threads here seeking amps for magnepans... same answers for your kappas more or less...