Amp/Int Amp for SF Auditor Spkrs

I have just purchased a pair of Sonus Faber Auditor Spkrs with stands to replace my Vandersteen 2Ce speakers. I had auditioned the Auditors at length about a year ago, with my integrated amp (Marantz PM84). I am considering upgrading the electronics. I would like advice from fellow Audiogoners who are familiar with SF Auditor speakers on the pre-amp/amp combination or Int Amp that might work well with the SF Auditors. My budget is $2-3k. I listen to all kinds of music, classical (mostly), rock, jazz and Indian classical, all at moderate volume.
I have read good things about Lavardin IS and Creek int amps, as well as Sam Tellig's ravings about anything made by Pathos. While there are Creek and Pathos dealers where I loive (Chicago), there aren't any Lavardin dealers. Also Lavardin is rated at 30w, not sure if this is enough for the listening space (23 ft long, 11 ft wide and 9 ft tall, with 5ft doorways on both the long walls. The speakers will be located roughly 8 ft away from the back wall (about 13ft from listening area)and 1.5 ft away from the side walls.

I am sorry I did not reply sooner. I had been indisposed due to a variety of health issues. I am still on the look out for electronics to drive my Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor speakers. I am currently auditioning my friend's 10 year old Musical Design SP-2B preamp and D-75 B amplifiers. He has upgraded to Naim Supernait with the power supply, CD player etc. The MD equipment sounds very nice, but my friend is expecting about $1500 for it. With upgrades to bring it to current models of the preamp and amp the total cost will be almost $2300. I will have to add a phono preamp on top of that for my turntable. Has anyone has tried Unison research Unico SE (Hybrid, 130w/ch at 8 ohms)with SF Cremona Auditor speakers ? The nearest dealer for me is in Royal Oak Michigan, 300 miles away who have a brand new Unicon Res Unico SE for $2350. Any other suggestions at that price ? Thanks. I have a Denon DCD 1650 AR cd player, and Audioquest Opal interconnects.
i would suggest looking at the mccormick dna line, as well as the ss cj stuff. both are plenty powerful, and very refined.
Thanks, guys. I auditioned the Pathos Classic One Mk 3 and the Unison Research Unico SE at home. The CD player was Denon DCD 1650 AR and the speakers were Sonus FAber Cremona Auditors. I decided to go with the Unison Res Unico SE - it projects a wider and deeper soundstage than the Pathos, and is veru musical. I find myself listening to a lot of music after getting the Unico SE. It is a great macth with the Auditors. Thanks for all your comments.