
Responses from chanderb

Where is MM/MC switch on Unico SE
Narrod is correct. I purchased a Unico SE in March and made the MC change in its phono board for my Denon 103 D cartridge (Rega P2 table). There are very faint MM and MC markings on the circuit board, way back on the LHS as you look at the from of... 
Amp/Int Amp for SF Auditor Spkrs
Thanks, guys. I auditioned the Pathos Classic One Mk 3 and the Unison Research Unico SE at home. The CD player was Denon DCD 1650 AR and the speakers were Sonus FAber Cremona Auditors. I decided to go with the Unison Res Unico SE - it projects a w... 
Amp/Int Amp for SF Auditor Spkrs
I am sorry I did not reply sooner. I had been indisposed due to a variety of health issues. I am still on the look out for electronics to drive my Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor speakers. I am currently auditioning my friend's 10 year old Musical Des... 
Amp/Int Amp for SF Auditor Spkrs
Zervas: I had auditioned the SF Auditors at a Chicagoland store who also sell Vandersteens. Back in December 2005, I listened to the store's latest model of the 2Ce Signatures for about an hour, with CD's I had brought and my integrated amp (Maran... 
Amp/Int Amp for SF Auditor Spkrs
Thanks, Jaybo. Do you have any suggestions on what amp ? Chander