Amp for Vintage Heresy

Hey All,

I just picked up a pair of Heresy 1s for my home office / creative studio. 

Currently I’m running a WiiM Pro plus to a NAD 316bee. 
It sounds fine but it could be better. needs more Pratt!


I listen to classic rock, acoustic and good country and stream on Qobuz,


Considering either going vintage (maybe a restored dynamo st-70 , a SET 300b (maybe chinahifi), or something else…


like schiit Freya+ and Aegir , push pull el34 or kt88 integrated, or recommend something!

I’m not happy with the WiiM so considering getting a Allo Katana Player  


My reference system which I like is Nola Boxer s3, Tsakiridis Aeolos Plus, Schiit Bifrost2, Allo DigiOne Signature, Project Debut Carbon Evo, Projrect Phono



thanks guys!




I am very happy with Heresy IIIs and I switch back in forth between a Pass XA-25 and a Dennis Had SEP tube amp. Both sound amazingly good.

I have what I think of as Klipsch-cousins (Volti Razz). I was also looking for a new amp earlier this summer, though my goal was to have a low-powered/low heat alternative to my larger Class A tube amp. One of my solutions was a used Coincident Audio Dynamo 34 SE MK.ll. It has 8 very powerful watts, and is a SET amp that uses EL 34's instead the usual tubes such as a 300B or 2A3. I am pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoy it. I changed out the tubes to suit my taste, and it has met my goal of much lower heat in my listening room, without compromising the sound. 

If used is acceptable, you might want to look into it...

I run Heresy’s with a Tektron - using a pair of 45’s with a whopping 2wpc. Great pairing. Robin Wyatt is the local distributor and he swears by the Hereseys. 

Long experience with these. In college those Heresy’s really sang (and rocked!) with a Heathkit AA-151 EL84 tube integrated.  In today’s market, a Luxman SQ-N150 integrated would be ideal. EL84 tubes are comparatively cheap by power tube standards and with a relatively low heat output. Really lots of EL84 tube amps are out there as they were extremely common throughout the 60’s. 

Pass Xa25, First Watt, Aegir, Dennis Had, Wilsenton, Decware, Elekit, Will Vincent st70. The Pass is 3k used all the others are less.

Have these Heresy been updated? Crites makes replacement crossovers and drivers. They will sound better than new. Add some sort of filter to your ethernet also.